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Pathway Programs

Ansonia High School (AHS), in partnership with business, industry and higher education, has created a variety of Career Pathway Programs to enhance student awareness of career opportunities.  Our Career Pathways continually evolve to reflect occupational areas that support the growing economic demands in Connecticut.  AHS' Pathways are based on the sixteen Career Clusters identified by the Connecticut State Department of Education.  The Pathway Programs below provide a foundation of knowledge and work experience through the integration of project-based assessments and internship opportunities.  Please select the areas listed below for information and the suggested course of study for each pathway.

Pathway Programs:

Pathway Newsletters:

Ansonia High School Pathway Team

Mr. Paul Giansanti, Principal
Mrs. Tammy Adames, Assistant Principal
Mr. Dennis Proto, College and Career Outreach Advisor
Mrs. Erin Corso, Lead Guidance Counselor
Ms. Wendy Chin, Guidance Counselor / Allied Health Pathways
Mrs. Christine Davis, English Lead Teacher / Education Pathway
Mrs. Karen Phipps, Career and Technical Education Lead Teacher / Advanced Manufacturing Pathway, Business Pathway, Engineering Pathway